Comune di Trieste


Starting from 2 July 2020, busking and street performing is again possible.

In Order to perform there are 2 rules to follow:

1. Each performer must provide him/herself with a clearly visible notice sign that must be positioned where the performance takes place. The notice sign must contain the necessary requirements for the audience as for the mandatory use of the face protective mask and minimum social distancing (1 meter between two people). Preprinted signs can be collected for free from the URP Office located in via Procureria n. 2/A from 9.00 to 12.00 on Monday - Wednesday - Thursday.

2. If the audience does not respect the rules concerning the use of the face protective mask and the social distancing, the performer must stop the show immediately.

If these two requirements are not fulfilled it will not be possible to perform

News 02/07/2020